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The ideal talent match
in a few clicks

Post unlimited vacancies and pay only for the perfect candidate.

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Man with glasses smiling at cameraMan with glasses smiling at camera
Woman smiling at camera
skillerjobs blur

Automatic matching where you're in control

With Skillerjobs, you maintain control over your selection process. Finding the perfect match, whether it's experienced professionals or new talent, will be easy and efficient.

Publish a job for free
Loader telling you it's generating a job ad
Job post of financial controller
Employer branding

Generate job ads that reflect your company culture

Our AI engine generates job ads that reflect your company's tone of voice. This is how you attract candidates who are qualified and who are a good fit for your company culture.

Generate a job ad
Flexible PRICING

Maximize the return on your recruitment budget

Maximize your recruitment budget by clearly defining dealmakers. A precise description of the ideal candidate leads to better applications, saves time and optimizes the recruitment budget.

Try for free today
Skillerjobs surrounded by other vacancy platform logos
Status quo

Lots of applicants but not a good “fit”

The quality of applicants from traditional job platforms is often low, leading to unnecessary time spent screening.

Discover how things can be done differently
Live in a few minutes

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Generate a job ad

See how intuitive it is to write new job ads using AI suggestions tailored to your business.

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Generating ad for finance controller

Publish for free

The price per candidate varies based on supply and demand and is clearly communicated for easy budget management.

Overview of possible candidates with pricing

Automatic ads

Skillerjobs launches sponsored ads for your vacancies via Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Reach candidates in the job domain
An overview of ads of open job positions

Refine dealmakers

Skillerjobs analyses your rejections and offers suggestions for refining the dealmakers of your vacancies. This leads to continuous improvement of future matches.

more efficient inflow
Overview of skills

Be found by the right candidates

Shaping the future of talent matching by changing how candidates find opportunities, our AI engine does the rest.

Try it for yourself

Explore the Skillerjobs toolbox

Generate job ads quickly

Our AI engine generates sharp and effective vacancies to find your ideal candidate.

Job post of Content Marketing Manager for Addmore

Your company's tone of voice

Automatically let your company culture shine through in your vacancies.

Description of companies

Automatic ads via Skillerjobs

Skillerjobs launches sponsored ads for your vacancies via Facebook, LinkedIn,...

Manage Applicants

Use an intuitive Kanban interface to manage the various stages of applications

Kanban overview of potential candidates

Dealmaker Analyzer powered by AI

Continuously improve the funnel inflow. With each candidate, you can refine your dealmakers.

A suggestion of different candidates for an open job position

Find your new colleague yourself

With Skillerjobs, you're sure to find the talent your company needs to grow in no time.

Candidates inside of the talent pool

Discover the strength of our
staffing partner network.

Hire specialized service providers to find the best candidates: temporary or permanent; freelance, consultant, or employed...

Take advantage of free candidate proposals and let yourself be completely unburdened by finding talent.

A quick visualization of how communication with Skillerjobs works

Publish for free

With Skillerjobs, you receive an extensive free toolbox to accelerate your recruitment process and increase quality.

With a free account, you can
Unlimited job posting
Create jobs quickly with AI
Social media advertising campaigns
Define and analyse dealmaker
Future-focused matching
Manage your own budget

The price per applicant is determined according to supply and demand and is between 30 and 75 euro.

Don't worry, you decide the limit of the number of applicants yourself.

Receiving applications
Start today
A preview of how searching jobs with Skillerjobs looks like
Overview of open jobs per company
Platform boost

Place a vacancy up

Over time, avoid that vacancies are snowed under by competing and newer vacancies.

2.5 euro per day
Personalized ads of open positions
Marketing boost

Personalized social ads

Skillerjobs turns your vacancy into a high-converting ad on the most effective channel.

5 euro per day
The logo of Skillerjobs in a circle surrounded by other logos
Network boost

Activate the partner network

Receive candidate proposals from a network of staffing partners who will contribute to your search.

7.5 euro per day

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Frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions

Can I use Skillerjobs for all types of jobs?

Currently, Skillerjobs allows you to post vacancies in the following job areas: Legal, IT, Sales, Marketing, Finance, HR and Administration. In addition, we are geographically limited to Belgium and the Netherlands. This focus enables us to ensure the quality of our services and to facilitate high-quality matchmaking between employers and candidates. This allows us to offer both employers and job seekers a valuable and focused experience.

How does Skillerjobs protect my company and applicants' data?

We attach great importance to the privacy and data security of both your company and your applicants. To ensure that all data is optimally protected, we take various comprehensive measures. For example, we use SSL encryption to ensure secure and encrypted communication between our servers and your browser, so that sensitive information cannot be intercepted by unauthorized persons.

All accounts on our platform are protected with additional layers of security to prevent unauthorized access. In addition, our databases use “masked data”, which means that sensitive data is protected and is only accessible to authorized users who actually need this information.

More information can be found in the General terms and conditions and Terms of use & Privacy policy.

What makes Skillerjobs different from other job platforms?
What is it?

What makes Skillerjobs unique is the focus on quality over quantity, at a fair price. The platform is intuitive and user-friendly. Skillerjobs offers the possibility to find applicants yourself or seek help from specialized staffing agencies, or to combine both. With one click, you can access the entire partner network and compare candidate proposals. Instead of matching historical information from their resume, candidates can search for jobs based on their current interests and future ambitions, based on 14 different preferences. Only candidates who meet your dealmakers can apply, which guarantees the quality of applicants. We're launching new features every week, so stay tuned for updates!

How does Skillerjobs handle communication with candidates?
What is it?

Skillerjobs functions as a platform that connects candidates and employers. When a candidate applies, the employer receives a notification along with the candidate's contact details and resume. From that moment on, the further communication and processing of the application is entirely in the hands of the employer.

How does Skillerjobs ensure that candidates are qualitative?

First of all, we enable candidates to search for vacancies based on their current interests and future ambitions. Thanks to 14 different preference types, we ensure that they only see vacancies that perfectly match their requirements. This forms the basis for a targeted and relevant influx of applicants. In addition, at Skillerjobs, you use so-called “deal makers” to determine which criteria are essential for your ideal candidate. Only candidates who fully meet these requirements defined by you can apply. The more dealmakers you add, the higher the quality of the applicants will be, although this may limit the number of applicants. If you notice that the incoming applications are not meeting your expectations, you can refine your dealmakers. Skillerjobs helps you with this and suggests further optimization. In addition, Skillerjobs allows you to post vacancies for free and only pay a small amount per applicant received. This allows you to keep your vacancies published without worries, without worrying about high costs.

What happens if a vacancy does not attract qualified candidates?

When you publish a vacancy, our algorithm immediately gets to work to find suitable candidates. We ensure that only candidates who meet your specific dealmakers can apply. The more dealmakers you set up, the higher the quality of the applicants will be, but this can also limit the number of potential applicants. If you find that applicants don't meet your requirements, we recommend refining your dealmakers. Soon, Skillerjobs will help you with suggestions and advice. At Skillerjobs, you can post vacancies for free and you only pay a small amount per application received, so you can keep publishing your vacancies without worries without an annoying final bill.

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